Tag Archives: TED

The Science of Connectedness

No matter what spiritual path you are following, all of them have at their core the principle of Unity – we are all miniatures of the amazing Universe, interconnected, a giant net breathing together, one heart pulsating on unison, one collective mind. Many paths, one truth.

But this remains a very abstract concept for many of us. Our rational minds try to connect some very practical dots in order to come up with an approachable explanation for what our inner selves admit as undeniable truth. Ok, we are all one but how exactly? Why? What is the purpose of all this? How do you really explain all of this?

Tom Chi (isn’t that a prophetic name – chi, ki, prana and I’ll leave it at that :D), cofounder of Google X and creator of the first Google Glass, – you cannot get a more thecky guy than him – presents in such a compelling manner our parental link with the Universe.

Take a deep breath, open your heart and let your mind wander…while enjoying the TEDx talk of Tom Chi – Everything is connected.

I dream of a future when the concept of spirituality and science dissolve into one another, where the human capability of understanding its true potential transcends everything we’ve seen so far. For lovers of both worlds, spirituality and science, I think we can wake up and realize the gift we are given to live in these times where we can actually witness the perfect way one complements the other and we can finally put behind us the idea that they are mutually exclusive.

Science has a lot of catching up to do but with humans tapping into the Universe’s knowledge we are on the right path.

We are all made of stars in the most literal way!

Ricardo Semler Ted Talk – The Age of Wisdom

I was listening in awe this radical, paradigm shifting talk and I am still trying to convince myself that: hey, this is real, this is actually happening, all these ideas are not some abstract, futuristic concepts that maybe one day will become reality. This is reality for some people and I also want to be part of it no matter how radical it seems.

So, from where do you begin when you are caught up in the so called complexity of your daily life and something like this comes along that completely side tracks you and makes you question your reality, makes you wonder how can you be a part of such a culture, what does it take to have the power to shift the typical mind-set that made us feel we are just a small wheel in a huge mechanism and understand that things can be different and that are places out there that make this real.

I can only hope that for the future generation this is the norm. But until then, we just shouldn’t watch passively thinking that for us is just simply too late. NO WAY!

Start where you are, with no matter how little resources you have. You are free from preconceptions, stereotypical thinking, expectations, and attachments. Take the leap of faith at least with one thing in your life: embrace change, invite it in, let go of controlling behaviours.

And ultimately, as Ricardo says, have the courage to ask yourself “What am I doing this for?”

Because ultimately it can take more than a life time to answer this – “What am I living for?”

Love & Light

“Why do ambitious women have flat heads?”

I won’t a spoiler by answering that and let you enjoy a moving, inspirational and so funny talk held by Dame Stephanie Shirley for TED in march 2015. She is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded, in 1962, Freelance Programmers, a software company employing only women.

I invite you to enjoy 14 minutes of lessons in history, equality movement, breaking stereotypes and facing ones of the most dreaded personal challenges.

Generations later, issues mentioned in this talk are still relevant. We are still gasping when hearing about women leaders, yet we have women presidents – Brasil, women running global regulation institutions – IMF, the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace prize – Malala, young inventors that through their genius touch will change our lives for the better up until every woman that we know that makes a positive impact on our daily existence.  There are many women changing paradigms in their fields and overall making a global impact or simply touching our very own lives in such a significant way and yet, somehow, it seems hard to believe or something in us is trying immediately to think about what shortcut they took to success. The true story revolves around, in 99% of the cases, hard work, resilience and authenticity. That ability of having a clear vision and taking small steady steps towards its accomplishment while juggling all the challenges of personal life with kindness, perseverance, with lessons that they needed to learn.

I truly do believe, as women of the 21st century, that our role is to find the balance between creating a thriving and fulfilling career while enjoying the amazing rewards of having meaningful personal relationships. I strongly hope that we can erase that concept of “sacrifice” one to have the other. And each and every one of us knows exactly where that balance line is. Competition needs to give way to collaboration. The communities of tomorrow have to be based on that! And we all have our part in creating a web of mutual understanding, support and partnership.

Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and even your favourite inspiring Ted Talk.

Love & Light