Eclipse + Supermoon + Equinox = LOVE

Cosmic reset alert!!! What a magical period it is! The energetic reboot button was pressed! The Universe is opening a window of opportunity for us and simply expects us to take the a leap of faith.  No more waiting, no more “I am not ready yet”! The time to fearlessly get out from our comfort zone is now! It’s time to take fully responsibility for who we are and become aware of our own maturity on this spiritual path we are following.

Awareness, mindfulness, healing, forgiveness, rediscovering our true selves and gratitude…so many things have been brought to our attention even more in the past year.

But this period has something even more special. It’s like the planets align especially for each and every one of us who is willing to make the conscious decision to fully empower themselves, to shed that old structure of guilt and fear and take responsibility for who we have become and make mindful decisions moving forward.  Embrace the journey you are and how far you’ve come.

Lets indulge in these beautiful array of celestial events and make from this amazing occasion,  that won’t repeat until 2034, a day of spiritual celebration. As each are on our own paths you will surely know what it is that will make you enjoy this beautiful day indulging in your favourite spiritual practices.

Just to give you some ideas I put together a list for you to choose whatever you resonate with :). Please feel free to share in the comments any other ideas so we can all benefit from them! Here we go:

1. “Every act is a rite” – No matter how many things you have on that “to do” list just be fully aware of what you are doing in that very moment. “Wash the dishes to wash the dishes!” Do not let your mind wander about other 1000 things. Be present and any time you feel like derailing let your breath bring you back. Every breath is a gate towards re-centering and going within where all the answers await for the right questions to be asked.

2. Take the opportunity and go outside! Even better if it’s a night walk gazing upon the beautiful stars who are plotting to push you forward on the path you truly envision for yourself.

3. Make a clearing ceremony! Use whatever you like and resonate with! Clear your space and your energies. Use incense sticks, sage, crystals, clearing meditations, take a sea salt bath, rock it on the yoga mat, asks the Angels to help you, listen to soothing and uplifting music, do whatever makes you feel balanced. Be as creative as you can! :).

4. Journal! Go within and just write whatever thoughts emerge…make plans, put on paper your vision! Writing your thoughts and plans is like already starting to bring them into manifestation by making them tangible. The first step has been made!

5. Create a vision board! What a better day than a new beginnings type of day! Put out there whatever you want to be, achieve, embrace, manifest!

6. Take a beautiful relaxing dinner. Go out or stay in! Cook your favourite dish or order it! It can be with family or friends or both, whatever makes you happy. It can be by yourself enjoying quality time! Being by yourself is a luxury in this fast paced world! Enjoy it!

IT’S ACTION TIME!!! Release control and let the flow of life take you wherever you are meant to be. You’ve come such a long way. Do not let thoughts like “i’ve could have done more, ive could have been better, not enough” take you down. You know how the negative spiral works. No more excuses! Let’s all step it up!

Happy New Beginnings, #miraclecreators!

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2 thoughts on “Eclipse + Supermoon + Equinox = LOVE

  1. Thelondonflowerlover 20 March 2015 at 10:00 Reply

    you write so clearly, thanks for your sweet words

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Commoner Princess 20 March 2015 at 10:02 Reply

      Thank you! Enjoy this beautiful day! 🙂


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